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ANNEE 2017 |
SEPTEMBRE | | Titre | Niveau | Chorégraphe | |
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LUNDI 11 | 32tps | Slowly, Gently, Softly | interm | Gary O' Reilly |  |
MERCREDI 13 | 32tps | pretty little galway girl | début | Hayley Wheatley |  |
LUNDI 18 | 52tps | Dig your heels | interm | Maddison Glover |  |
MERCREDI 20 | 32tps | lonely drum | interm | Darren mitchell |  |
LUNDI 25 | 48tps | Work Work | novice | D. Bailey-Rob Fowler |  |
OCTOBRE | | | | |  |
LUNDI 2 | 48tps | White Summer Dress | interm | D. Trepat Junghye Yoon |  |
MERCREDI 4 | 32tps | Babylon | debt | F. Whitehouse |  |
LUNDI 9 | 32tps | Wandering Hearts | interm | Maggie Gallagher-G. o'Reilly |   |
LUNDI 16 | 64tps | Think I'm sexy | interm | Rachel McEnaney Laura Lopez |  |
LUNDI 23 | 48tps | Chasing down a good time | interm | Dan Albro |  |
NOVEMBRE | | | | |  |
LUNDI 6 | 64tps | No roots | interm | Dwight Meessen |  |
LUNDI 20 | 40tps | Slow burn | interm | Maddison Glover |  |
DECEMBRE | | | | | |
MERCREDI 13 | 40tps | Teenage dreams | novice | Rob Fowler H O'Malley |  |
LUNDI 18 | 32tps | Have a good time | debut | Rachael MacEnaney White |  |
MERCREDI 20 | 72tps | All Katchi all night long | interm | Kerry maus |  |
| | ANNEE 2018 | | | |
JANVIER | | | | | |
LUNDI 8 | 48tps | Walking blues partner | novice | Sébastien Emond-Roxanne Auclair |  |
LUNDI 15 | 32tps | Reggaeton lento | interm | alison Biggs Peter Metelnick |  |
MERCREDI 24 | 32tps | Story | debut | Maddison Glover |  |
LUNDI 29 | 32tps | Perfect | interm | Alison Johnstone J Talbot |  |
FEVRIER | | | | | |
LUNDI 5 | 32tps | Havana cha | novice | Ria Vos |  |
MERCREDI 7 | 64tps | The Island | interm | Severine Fillion |  |
LUNDI 12 | 32tps | You got me & I got you | interm | N. Fitzerald Julie Harris |  |
MERCREDI 14 | 32tps | Overrated | novice | A. Biggs P. Metelnick |  |
LUNDI 19 | 40tps | Last chance dance | novice | Maddison Glover |  |
MARS | | | | | |
LUNDI 12 | 64tps | I was wrong | interm | N Fitzgerald-Julie harris |  |
LUNDI 19 | 32tps | Champagne promise | debut | Tina Argyle |  |
LUNDI 26 | 32tps | No excuses | novice | Julia Wetzel |  |
MERCREDI 28 | 32 tps | Girl Crush | interm | Rachel mc Enaney-A. Johnstone |  |
AVRIL | | | | |  |
LUNDI 9 | 32tps | Anywhere | novice | Rémi lemaire |  |
LUNDI 16 | 32tps | Echame la culpa | interm | Jef Camps -Roy Verdonck |  |
LUNDI 23 | 64tps | Celtic Duo | novice | Maggie Gallagher Gary O'Reilly |  |
MAI | | | | |  |
LUNDI 7 | 32tps | Pull you through | interm | Maddison Glover Jo Thompson |  |
LUNDI 14 | 62tp | Diane | novice | Kate Sala |  |
LUNDI 28 | 32tps | Roots | novice | Tina Argyle |  |
JUIN | | | | | |
LUNDI 4 | 32tps | Goodbye for now | debt | Jose miguel Belloque Vane |  |
LUNDI 11 | 32tps | Adventure 45 | debt | Ria Vos-JM Belloque |  |
Démo | 64tps | Rocking rebel | debt | Karl Harry Winson-Laura Sway |  |
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